Law Enforcement professionals recognize that the training received in the academy is simply not enough in today’s society. You must take the initiative to train yourself in additional techniques, such as Israeli Active Killer Response, Krav Maga, and De-escalation techniques to keep yourself and your team safe in the face of danger. Our Instructors are certified Israeli Defense Force instructors who possess profound tactical knowledge and real world experience.
The days of aggressive interview and interrogation techniques are behind us. As society changes, so must we. The Wicklander-Zulawski method of Non-Confrontational interviewing and interrogation is a rapport based approach that allows people to save face while they tell the truth. This approach translates extremely well across cultures and can easily adapt to numerous areas within an organization. WZ training courses are conducted around the globe by Certified Forensic Interviewers (CFI) who are based out of the United States, United Kingdom and Latin America.
​Knowing how to defend yourself against an attacker can mean the difference between life and death.
You must always be ready to fight for your life.
We offer 2-hour, half-day, and full-day workshops using proven self-defense and self-offense techniques.
Our personalized training will help you be better prepared to deal with unexpected situations.
Feeling secure in your home is a must.
An in-home safety and security assessment can identify the risks in your home. Following a professionally customized security plan can provide you peace of mind knowing that you have taken the steps to more effectively protect your family and your home.
Contact us for personalized training and assessments!
Lifesaving is a skill that we are all capable of learning. It is important to know that time is not on your side in the event of an emergency and the life of your loved on or a stranger may be in your hands. Basic training will provide you with the knowledge, skills and confidence to identify and appropriately respond to life-threatening emergencies. Train and prepare to save a life.
Classes available:
Combination Infant, Child, and Adult CPR and First Aid
Basic First Aid
Advanced First Aid
Child and Babysitting Safety
As a professional in the field of heath care or emergency medical response, it is important to stay up to date on the latest developments to provide the best patient care possible. Our team is comprised of professionally licensed and certified trainers.
Professional Classes and Certifications:
CPRPro for the Professional Rescuer (BLS for Healthcare Providers)
AHA Basic Life Support For Health Care providers
Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ASHI and AHA)
Pediatric Advanced Life Support (ASHI and AHA)
Advanced First Aid (ASHI)
Emergency Medical Response (Formerly First Responder)
Tactical Combat Casualty Care
Tactical Emergency Casualty Care
Law Enforcement and First Responder Tactical Casualty Care
Law Enforcement and First Responder Tactical Casualty Care
When you are on scene and the unimaginable happens, do you know what to do?
Our LEFR-TCC will prepare you for how to appropriately respond.
LEFR-TCC uses the principles of Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) and provides basic medical care interventions that will help save an injured responder's life until EMS practitioners can safely enter a tactical scene.
There is nothing more valuable in your educational institution than your students, staff and faculty. Do not rely on the standard drills, simply to be in compliance. Take your safety and security a step further. The Seva 6 Team has vast experience training educational institutions around the globe on how to best secure their facilities and prepare for emergency situations all while maintaining their welcoming environment.
Owning a firearm is a serious responsibility and the basic course that your state may or may not have required you to take upon getting your weapons carry permit, is simply not enough. Allow Seva 6 to provide you with the knowledge, skills and confidence you need to protect yourself, your loved ones and your home and community in the event that you need to draw your weapon to prevent an attack or a tragedy.